
Dear Transplant Physician,

Spread of SARS-CoV-2 poses a challenge to all of us. Therefore, the European Board of Transplantation Medicine (EBTM) extends this year the deadline to apply for the Honorary Diploma in Transplantation Medicine (HD).

The application for Senior Transplant Physicians starts on April 20, 2020. Deadline for submission of HD applications is September 15, 2020.

Continuous experience as specialist practicing in recognized National Health Services or University posts for at least 10 years is required.

For more information regarding eligibility criteria, application and evaluation process please visit:

or contact:
Susanne Beckebaum, Chair of the European Board of Transplantation Medicine (EBTM)
Speranta Iacob, Senior Secretary of the European Board of Transplantation Medicine (EBTM)

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The upcoming Exam for Transplantation Medicine will be held every other year in connection with the ESOT Congress 2021, which will take place in Milan, Italy from 29th August to 1st September 2021.
The candidate must have a minimum of 2 years of training in transplantation medicine.

For more information regarding eligibility criteria, application and examination process please visit:

or contact:
Susanne Beckebaum, Chair of the European Board of Transplantation Medicine (EBTM)
Speranta Iacob, Senior Secretary of the European Board of Transplantation Medicine (EBTM)